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Food Waste Composting

There is a growing concern about the increasing volume of food waste and the food waste disposal into the landfill. The municipalities are aiming to reduce the landfill space, thereby creating the need to reduce and reuse. The food loss and waste also aggravate the climate change crisis with its significant greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint.  Production, transportation, and handling of food generates significant Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions and when food ends up in landfills, it generates Methane, an even more potent greenhouse gas.

To avoid food waste from being disposed into the landfill, the first step is segregating the food waste at the source. The food handlers to be made aware and trained to do so. There are various methods by which the food waste can be repurposed.

We propose the composting method, by which the food waste (pre-cooked and post-cooked, excluding large bones, shells and fruit pits) can be reduced by 80-90% in 24-48hours, depending on the type of food waste and converted into a biomass, which can be used as soil enhancer. It is recommended to add the landscape waste preferably dried leaves or shredded leaves, along with the food waste to balance the carbon/nitrogen ratio, to achieve optimum composting results.

The composting machine composts the food waste using energy-efficient and automated control process. The system employs high temperature microbes (embedded in sawdust), to decompose food waste. This is accomplished without the need for repeated additions of microbes. We offer composting machines with wide range of input capacities, starting from 25kgs of food waste per day to over tons of food waste per day. The composting machines are suitable for residential, hospitality, shopping malls, schools, colleges and commercial businesses. The machines are convenient to use and environmentally safe. 

Frequently Asked Questions about composting machines

Do the machines run on power?

Yes, the machines run on electric power.

How does the composting happen?

We use our proprietary microbes, which helps in breakdown of food waste into biomass.

Do we need to add microbes, every time we add food waste?

No, you do not need to add microbes every time with the food waste. When you purchase a new machine, we offer you a batch of microbes as part of the package, and they last long.

What are the various capacities of the composting machines?

We have composting machines starting from 25 kgs of food waste per day and going above tons daily. Our food waste composting machines come in different capacities, depending on your requirements.

Can the machines be installed indoors?

Machines can be installed indoors, with proper airflow and ventilation.

Is there any odor from the composting process?

There is no foul odor from the composting process. The machines come with deodorizers to manage the air filtration.

Is there any water discharge from the composting machines?

There is no water discharge from the composting machines.

Are there any harmful gasses produced as a result of composting?

No, there are no harmful gasses produced as a result of composting.

What can be composted?

All types of food waste – pre-cooked and post-cooked can be composted, as also raw spoilt fruits and vegetables. We can also add landscape waste to compost and balance the carbon-nitrogen ratio for successful composting results.

Do we get insects, flies or rodents around the composting machine?

No, we don’t get any insects, flies and rodents because of composting machine.

Where are the composting machines manufactured?


What is the lead time for delivery of the machine?

Factory production lead-time is around 45-60 days, depending on the size/ capacity. Shipping and delivery will be additional.

Can the machines be solar powered?

Yes, the machines can be solar powered.

What is the Warranty offered?

Our composting machines come with a one-year warranty from the date of purchase.

What is the after sales service?

We have a periodic service plan, which covers preventative maintenance for the first year. After that, the service will be chargeable against an AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) upon customer consent.

Do you provide user training?

Yes, we provide on-site training for the customers. Terms and conditions apply.

Is the compost safe for human handling?

Yes, the compost is safe for human handling. Proper PPE kit is recommended, while handling the food waste and compost.

Is there any risk of fire or electric shock?

There is no fire or electric shock risk, provided we follow the safety guidelines of the composting machine.

What about the daily usage of the machine?

The client will do the daily usage and cleaning of the machine. We will train the machine operators to perform the daily disposal of food waste and manage composting.

What are the trade terms?

Trade terms are as per industry standards. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us to know more.

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