Earth Tech

Logo of Earth Tech

About Us

Our Vision

Earth Tech was born out of a vision and a passion to cater the hospitality industry with responsibly sourced, sustainable, eco-friendly, innovative food packaging and food waste solutions. Over the years, conventional packaging and food waste have significantly contributed to the depletion of our planet’s natural resources, the emergence of massive landfills, and exponential global warming. By identifying and associating with companies that share our principles, we finally gave shape to our vision, and in February 2023, Earth Tech was born. 

Earth tech logo

Preeti Bisht

Founder of Earth Tech

My name is Preeti Bisht, the founder of Earth Tech, a company merchandising sustainable food packaging products, retail bags, and food waste composting machines.

With years of work experience in Dubai and a decade with a global manufacturing company for innovative food packaging, I have gained hands-on experience and knowledge in most aspects of the sustainable food packaging industry. I was privileged, to be introduced to the food waste composting machines, as a solution to treat food waste.

My quest for learning gave me the insight and the opportunity to understand more about food waste compositing. I was involved in pioneering the launch of the food waste composting machine in the UAE, along with advancing more awareness and building new clients. As an individual and a company, we evolved and created a market for sustainable food packaging and food waste management and treatment. I have been passionate about providing solution and adding value to a business and I continue to endeavor the same. To this end, my experiences in the food packaging industry and food waste composting machines align seamlessly with my goal of sustainability. My sincere gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has been part of my journey and helped me reach this far.

My Work Experience

Aug 2001 – March 2010

With Packaging Manufacturing Company

Aug 2001 – March 2010
April 2010 – July 2022

With Packaging and Food Waste Composting Machines Trading Company

April 2010 – July 2022

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